Private Sector Updates – Statewide

Calvary – North Hospitals

The ANMF met with Calvary on Tuesday 28 June 2022 to discuss workloads. This meeting was an out of session meeting from the Workload Management Clinical Committee to discuss Calvary’s existing workload model in greater depth. The ANMF will be meeting with Calvary again in July to further develop solutions to workload and clinical issues across St Vincent’s hospital.

North West Private Hospital Joint Consultative Committee (JCC)

HealtheCare North West Private Hospital

The next meeting of the JCC will be held on Thursday14 July at 1330hrs, where the ANMF will attend on behalf of members. The meeting is held every second month. Any ANMF members who would like an invitation to attend can contact North West Organiser Annette Beechey via email:

Updates correct as at 7 July 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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