Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital

Peacock 1

On Tuesday 5 July 2022, the ANMF attended a meeting with senior Tasmanian Health Service (THS) Management (in the company of ANMF members) regarding workload and staffing issues originally canvassed via correspondence in April 2022. These discussions went to the effects of sick leave, vacancies, co-habiting of Geriatric and Palliative patients on the unit, as well as questions to the bed categories as ascribed by the Nursing House per Patient Day (NHpPD). The THS has committed to producing some additional data to further these discussions, whilst the ANMF anticipates engaging the office of the Executive Director of Nursing regarding the outstanding Benchmarking concerns. Members will be advised via separate Newsflashes.

Medical Specialties – Ward 2A

The ANMF has written formally to THS management regarding issues of clinical/geographical environment, workloads, staffing and occupational violence and aggression as per feedback received from Ward 2A members. The response to this letter is requested by COB Wednesday 20 July 2022. The ANMF anticipates circulating both the outgoing and incoming letters upon receipt of a response via a separate newsflash email.

Updates correct as at 7 July 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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