Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Regis Norwood

The ANMF met with Regis Norwood on Tuesday 16 August, 2022.

MCT Fred French

The ANMF has received correspondence from the CEO indicating that they will ensure an additional two hours (PCA) to be rostered in Elphin and an additional 0700hrs – 1500hrs in St John’s effective from Monday 8 August 2022 pending availability from the workforce.


The ANMF, on Wednesday 10 August 2022, attended a staff convention on site at Corumbene aged care facility in New Norfolk. Running a stall throughout the day, Organisers engaged in meaningful and productive conversation with existing and prospective members alike, as well as building relationships with the various stakeholders from not only within Corumbene itself, but the broader aged care sector.

Updates correct as at 18 August 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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