Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Southern Cross Care (SCCT)

The ANMF encourages members to feedback issues related to absence or instability of leadership in SCCT sites, especially in relation to Covid-19 management. Members are encouraged to look after themselves and their colleagues in these unreasonable situations. Use internal SCCT reporting systems, and escalate to next level management if you can, to highlight the impact on your workload and morale. Notify the ANMF if you are unable to get a response from your internal systems, and managers. Also, notify the ANMF if you are ordered to attend a one-to-one meeting so we can follow up and ensure procedural fairness and support.

Rosary Gardens

In the absence of a Facility Manager, the ANMF encourages members to action concerns as above.

Guilford Young Grove

The ANMF visited members at SCCT Guilford Young Grove with morning tea for members on Monday 12 September 2022. The ANMF enjoyed attending sites to discuss any industrial or professional issues.

Other Residential Aged Care Facilities and Private Sites including Enterprise Agreements (EA)

Uniting AgeWell

The ANMF has visited all Southern sites to consult with members regarding our Log of Claims (LoC) for the coming Enterprise Agreement negotiations. At these meetings members have shown an overwhelming desire that all staff retain a 30-minute paid meal break.

South Eastern Community Care

Enterprise Agreement meetings have commenced, and all parties are keen to conduct a timely bargaining process. Look out for updates once negotiations begin on Thursday 6 October 2022.

Updates correct as at 14 September 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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