Newsflash: Public Sector Negotiations and COVID-19 Bonus Update

The ANMF also highlighted that rental accommodation and purchasing of real estate in the major metropolitan areas is not only difficult to locate but is also cost prohibitive. Therefore, it is also important for wages to match housing costs for existing and new employees.

The ANMF can confirm that consultation surveys will be released next week for members to commence consultation on the upcoming public sector nurses and midwives Enterprise Agreement negotiations and the State Budget.

Meanwhile the frontline COVID-19 Bonus Agreement will be registered this week (date to be set) and then the ANMF will advise when payments should commence. The ANMF can also confirm that vaccination clinic staff will be included in the COVID-19 Bonus as these sites are classified at Tasmanian Health Service (THS) sites and they will therefore be covered under the agreement.

The ANMF acknowledge that the hard work of staff working in the Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC) during the pandemic working long hours and overtime to deliver critical services to the community, however, despite the ANMFs best advocacy, the Government will not include these members citing the fact that they are were not direct clinical positions and, unlike those working in clinical sites full PPE, has not been required.

Read the PDF version here.

Updates correct as at 20 September 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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