Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Ward 5B

On Monday 17 October 2022, the ANMF met with Ward 5B members to discuss the proposed benchmarking, current and ongoing workload pressures. Noting that the proposed benchmarking will not increase due to lower average bed occupancy, members requested the ANMF advocates for extension of clinical coach hours and supports around freeing up RN’s being used as sitters in order that these RNs are then available for baseline roster gaps. On Friday 21 October 2022, the ANMF met with the Nursing Director of Surgical and Perioperative Services and Ward 5B Nurse Unit Manager to discuss these solutions. The ANMF is now waiting on confirmation in writing regarding solutions around clinical coach hours and sitter support. On receipt of this information, the ANMF will meet with members to discuss. Further update shortly.

Wards 4O/B

On Friday 21 October 2022, the ANMF met with Wards 4O/B members to discuss solutions provided by Tasmanian Health Service (THS) North management regarding the Step 2 Grievance. The ANMF will now survey members about the proposed solutions and moving the step 2 grievance into abeyance pending the THS Executive committing to these solutions. A Newsflash update and member survey will be provided shortly.

Updates correct as at 27 October 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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