Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Emergency Department

The ANMF, on Monday 11 October 2022, received a formal response from Tasmanian Health Service (THS) senior management to our Friday 30 September 2022 letter regarding Emergency Department (ED) workload/staffing concerns and the perceived need for immediate re-Benchmarking. Both pieces of correspondence were distributed to affected members via Newsflash on Wednesday 19 October 2022 for their consideration. Since receiving the THS letter, the ANMF has conducted informal meetings with local management and anticipates the scheduling of a member meeting as soon as practicable within the department, however, should members wish to provide any additional feedback this is welcomed via email at

Post Anaesthetic Recovery Unit (PARU)

The ANMF, on Friday 7 October 2022, received a formal response from THS management to our Monday 19 September 2022 letter regarding perceived difficulties relating to the Close Observation After Surgery (COAS) service. Both pieces of correspondence were distributed to affected members via Newsflash on Wednesday 19 October 2022 for their consideration. The ANMF for its part anticipates scheduling of a meeting with affected members as soon as practicable to hear of any ongoing/unabated concerns, however, should members wish to provide any additional feedback this is welcomed via email at

Cardiac Cath Lab (CCL)

The ANMF, on Friday 21 October 2022, received a formal response from THS senior management to questions raised via email on Thursday 15 September 2022. This letter will be distributed as soon as practicable to affected members for their consideration. At last check, local management in CCL had not yet made any formal presentation to staff regarding THS’ proposed increase to staffing and associated business cases. The ANMF will make enquiries as to whether this has yet been completed and, if so, will seek to conduct its own meeting with members at the earliest convenience for ratification (or otherwise) of the business case.

Aged Services Team (AST)

The ANMF has received from THS management a request for an extension to the response deadline as outlined in our Tuesday 4 October 2022 letter identifying ongoing classification, workload, and staffing concerns within AST. As such, a full response was expected by COB Wednesday 26 October 2022. Once received both the outgoing and incoming pieces of correspondence will be distributed to members via a Newsflash for their consideration, and a member meeting will be scheduled as soon as practicable.

Patient Escorts for Non-Emergency Patient Transport (NEPT)

The ANMF has received multiple contacts from concerned members regarding THS’ formalisation of protocols prescribing the use of direct-care nursing staff to facilitate NEPT by way of clinical support. As such we have written a letter (dated Wednesday 19 October 2022) raising issues such as work health and safety, clinical/legal vulnerabilities, and suitability of NEPT patient criteria and whether clinical support is indeed warranted at all in many cases. The ANMF has requested a response to this correspondence by COB Friday 4 November 2022 following receipt of which all documents will be distributed to members via a Newsflash for consideration.

Updates correct as at 27 October 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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