Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Southern Cross Care (Tas) Inc.

The ANMF has been advocating at a State and Federal level with regards to the Southern Cross Care (Tas) Inc. (SCCT) proposal to make all Enrolled Nurses (ENs) redundant through implementation of a household model of care. The ANMF were on site to meet with members on Wednesday 23 November 2022 and will be at the offsite rally on Thursday 24 November 2022. Click here to view the latest ANMF newsflash.                   

Baptcare Karingal

The ANMF, on behalf of members at Baptcare Karingal has formally raised concerns related to medication endorsed carers and the delegation of authority, in particular, supervision and assessment of medication endorsed carers. Click here to view the latest ANMF newsflash.

Melaleuca Home for the Aged –  Paid meal breaks for nurses to remain

The ANMF has continued to pursue the retention of paid meal breaks for nurses and are pleased to report that the Melaleuca board have now committed to paid meal breaks for Registered Nurses (RNs) and Enrolled Nurses (ENs) remaining in the agreement. The next bargaining meeting for the Nurses Enterprise Agreement will be held on Tuesday 29 November 2022. Members will be kept informed on further progress via meetings and newsflashes.

Uniting AgeWell Strathaven

The ANMF will convene a meeting at Strathaven to discuss with members the latest offer from your employer. Keep an eye out for the invite in your inbox. Click here to view the latest ANMF newsflash.


Updates correct as at 23 November 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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