Public Sector Updates – Statewide

Public Sector Negotiations for a replacement Enterprise Agreement (Nurses and Midwives)

The first meeting, scheduled for 20 December 2022, unfortunately needed to be cancelled due to COVID. The employer has advised they will look through the Log of Claims (LoC), submitted on behalf of members, and allocate these to various ‘themes’ to be discussed at a meeting which will be scheduled early in January 2023.

Child Health and Parenting Service (CHaPS)

The ANMF has again written to CHaPS management regarding the statewide issues on safe staffing and workloads. The ANMF seek commitment to interim safe staffing solutions to mitigate the workloads. If there is no commitment by close of business Thursday 22 December 2022, the ANMF will lodge an application to the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC). The ANMF will provide an update to members when the outcome of the letter is known. Click here to view the recent ANMF newsflash communication.

Updates correct as at 21 December 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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