Aged Care Updates – Statewide


Southern Cross Care Tasmania (SCCT)

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Tasmanian Branch can confirm that following a Fair Work Commission recommended consultation with Southern Cross Care Tasmania (SCCT) CEO and Senior Management on Friday 14 April 2023, that no Enrolled Nurses (ENs) will be made redundant in any SCCT facility. This decision follows intervention by the ANMF and the Fair Work Commission during a change proposal process initiated by SCCT in November 2022. This is a significant win for all ENs at SCCT facilities, who up until last week were concerned that their positions were likely to be made redundant. It is also a win for SCCT residents who will continue to benefit from skilled ENs in their Nursing Team across all SCCT facilities. The final model for implementation is still unclear and the ANMF have sought further clarification for members. The ANMF is disappointed that the employer has not been more transparent in the implementation, as it could saved members (i.e. their employees) from a great deal of distress. It currently appears that some leisure and lifestyle as well as servery and kitchen staff are still likely to be made redundant. The ANMF will continue to monitor the change implementation and provide support to members in all SCCT facilities as this change is implemented.


The ANMF attended member meetings at Barossa Park Lodge and Bishop Davies Court this week. The ANMF also attended a meeting at Bishop Davies Court around the Organisation Change Proposal. The consultation process with staff ends on Thursday 27 April 2023 where all staff queries and suggestions which have been emailed to will be considered. We encourage members to ensure they submit their questions/suggestions. Following this, a decision will be made by OneCare whether to implement the new Model. Members will be updated when the ANMF are aware of further details.

Updates correct as at 20 April 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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