Newsflash: Public Sector Enterprise Agreement – The ANMF seek clarification on offer and propose alternatives to Government

  • Wages – Whilst the feedback from many members was positive regarding wages, we have noted that many senior nurses and midwives felt the offer was inequitable and failed to remunerate them for their experience, responsibility and accountability. The ANMF have sought clarification on how the transition for current staff from pay points that are abolished will occur and how experienced Nurses, Midwives and AINs can be recognised.

Alternative Proposals

  • Annual leave – Members request an extension to the current annual leave entitlements to address the significant level of exhaustion and burn-out. i) 5 weeks annual leave for day workers ii) 6 weeks annual leave for shift workers.
  • Dive Allowance (new) – The ANMF have returned to Government with the proposal as discussed with members from the RHH Hyperbaric Chamber.
  • Overtime and On-Call Payment for DONs and NUMs (Including at District Hospitals) – The ANMF request that DONs who are recalled to the workplace be paid for their time worked and that NUMs at District Hospitals are paid overtime for time worked and an on-call allowance when required.
  • Motor Vehicle Allowance – The ANMF propose the allowance applies to new Grade 9 positions and that those current Grade 9s with vehicles retain those under a grandfathering arrangement and that EDON/Ms are able to choose between a Motor Vehicle or an Allowance.


  • Classification Structure Review – The ANMF seek further information and a Terms of Reference and initial jurisdictional review and consultation plan. We seek confirmation that this work will include Grade 6 classification levels.
  • PPE Allowance – Seek consultation on the drafting of the guideline for the application of this allowance to ensure it is not cumbersome and does not cause additional workloads for Nurse Unit Managers.
  • Assistant in Nursing Schedule to be reviewed – The ANMF seek confirmation that the AIN schedule is reviewed and replaced by the RUSON (including RN and EN students) and RUSOM’s, including classification descriptors to ensure that clinical duties are quarantined to RUSON and RUSOM roles.
  • Replace Nursing Hours per Patient Day – The ANMF seek confirmation that a Ratio model is mutually agreed and will have no disadvantage to current staff levels.
  • Agreement Simplification and Consolidation – The ANMF seek that this will include: i)Any section 55s relating to 12 hour shifts ii) Amendment and mechanism for payment of the Multi-Disciplinary Allowance iii) Amendment of the Grievance Panel membership iv) Amend classification descriptors of Grade 4 to include a ‘portfolio’.
  • Registered Nurse to Enrolled Nurse Ratio – The ANMF seek a commitment that a discussion regarding a skill mix ratio will incorporate an agreement on roles required to support skill mix in each clinical area, including implementation of Clinical Coaches, Clinical Nurse Educators and Clinical Nurse Consultants.
  • Transition to Permanent Positions – seeking in-principle agreement to transition AIN/RUSON/RUSOM to EN or RN, and EN to RN.
  • Increased and new State Service Provisions – The ANMF seek commitment that the new agreed State Service Provision of special leave is extended to all members in the event of a service closure over the Christmas Period.
  • Broadbanding of Diabetic Nurse Educator Role – To attract and retain nurses who have the necessary skills in this specialist area to achieve and maintain credentialling.
  • Additional 20 days personal leave – The ANMF seek commitment to 20 additional days personal leave (pro rata) to be added in current employee accruals in the first year of the agreement with an upfront 5 days personal leave (pro rata) for new employees.

Non-Agreement matters of clarification

  • Strategic Plan to end Violence and Aggression Directed to Health Care Workers – The ANMF seek commitment in writing to the implementation of the ANMF Vic Branch 10 point violence and aggression plan and that due regard is provided for GPS devices for nurses, midwives and AINs working in remote areas, along with implementation of a peer support model that includes critical incident debriefing.
  • RUSON/RUSOM model of employment – The ANMF seek assurance that this will replace the current AIN model and will be included in the Industrial Agreement.
  • Protocol for opt-out of after-hours contact for additional shifts – The ANMF seek to have this included in the Industrial Agreement.
  • HRIS implementation – The ANMF seek clarification on the infrastructure implemented to support bedside coding, and proposed consultation prior to implementation.
  • Environmental Sustainability Representatives – The ANMF seek commitment to implement environmental sustainability representatives/committees.

Read the PDF version here.

Updates correct as at 2 August 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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