Public Sector Updates – North West

North West Renal Unit

The ANMF met with members from the North West Renal Unit on Tuesday 22 August 2023 to provide feedback from the Step 2 panel meetings and to discuss next steps. Members are cognisant that resolution of the grievance in the main will be achieved through recruitment. Overwhelmingly, members endorsed the ANMF to provide the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) time for recruitment processes to occur, formal notification is in process with a panel meeting to be convened prior to Tuesday 31 October 2023 member meeting.

West Coast District Hospital Queenstown

The ANMF has received a 12-hour shift proposal for consultation and implementation. We understand affected members have been directly consulted regarding the proposed temporary changes and the impact this may have on rosters. If members have any questions in relation to this please contact the ANMF Member Support Team via email at

North West Maternity Services Transition – Draft Service Delivery Model

The ANMF has been provided with draft documents of the new Service Delivery Model to review and ensure compliance with the various industrial requirements. The ANMF Branch Secretary, Emily Shepherd is meeting regularly with the transition team and a representative from the office of the Chief Nurse and Midwife. North West ANMF Organiser, Annette Beechey attends the transition team presentations to HealtheCare and/or THS members. If you have any feedback for the transition team, please send your feedback to the team via written form or, if you would prefer to meet in person, the ANMF is available to support you through this process either individually or as a group, please contact the ANMF Member Support Team via email at if you need to arrange support. An update will be provided to affected members in the coming weeks.

Updates correct as at 23 August 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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