Aged Care Updates – Statewide


Regis Aged Care North

The ANMF will be in workplaces to discuss the offer put forward by your employer and seek member feedback. If you would like to discuss the offer in detail, please contact Northern Organiser Nicki Hood via email at


Regis Eastern Shore

The ANMF held a member meeting on Tuesday 17 October 2023 to discuss the recent changes that have been implemented regarding the launch of the Continuity of Carer. Members are concerned that they haven’t been fully consulted with the changes implemented and are also concerned with the new duties they are required to perform in regards to delivery of meals. The ANMF will be contacting management to raise these issues and will keep members informed.

Updates correct as at 18 October 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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