Latest news and updates from across the state
EA Updates
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Regis Aged Care
The ANMF continues to negotiate on members’ behalf for a new Enterprise Agreement (EA). The next meeting will be held today, Thursday 19 October 2023.
Calvary Health Care Tasmania (CHCT)
The ANMF is discussing the employer’s revised workloads clause with members.
Respect Aged Care
The ANMF is meeting with members to endorse the Log of Claims (LoC) for a replacement EA.
Mary Ogilvy Home for the Aged
The voting period for the Agreement opens 0630hrs on Thursday 19 October 2023 and closes Friday 20 October 2023 at 1530hrs. View the latest Enterprise Agreement (EA) update.
Corumbene Nursing Home
The ANMF has contacted Corumbene regarding the EA negotiations. Corumbene indicated that they would provide a draft of the proposed EA to take to members, but this has not yet been received. The ANMF will keep members informed of any updates.
Hobart Day Surgery
The ANMF has presented its Log of Claims (LoC) to the employer.
The Hobart Clinic
ANMF members have endorsed a LoC for a replacement EA.
Aged Care Deloraine
ANMF members have updated their Log of Claims (LoC) for a replacement Enterprise Agreement (EA).
Eskleigh Foundation
The ANMF is awaiting the employer’s revised draft EA.
Calvary Aged Care
A bargaining meeting was held on Monday 16 October 2023, during which bargaining representatives discussed the numerous clauses Calvary propose to add to the new EA. It is abundantly clear Calvary has moved to establish their workplace changes by ensuring clauses in the proposed EA cement their stance. The ANMF continues to negotiate in good faith and will contact Workplace Representatives when the next bargaining meeting is set.
The ANMF has sent the endorsed Log of Claims (LoC) to the employer.
Emmerton Park
The ANMF is preparing a LoC for a replacement Enterprise Agreement (EA).
Melaleuca Home for the Aged
The ANMF is reviewing the employer’s draft EA.
Updates correct as at 18 October 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary
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