Public Sector Updates – North

ANMF Update on Mental Health Services Management

Response to Step 1 Grievance for Launceston Reception Prison (LRP) Members

The ANMF has received a response from Mental Health Services (MHS) management regarding the Step 1 Grievance raised on behalf of LRP members. The ANMF is currently in the process of reviewing this response and will promptly provide an update to its members as soon as the review is completed.

ANMF Participation in Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Ward 6D Assistant in Nursing (AIN) Trial Working Group

The ANMF is actively engaged in the LGH Ward 6D AIN Trial Working Group. In the inaugural meeting, discussions revolved around Terms of Reference (TOR) and project plans for integrating an AIN model alongside the existing Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD). Ongoing updates on this trial will be communicated to members through e-newsletters, newsflashes, and member meetings as the trial progresses.

ANMF Update on the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) Management Response to Step 1 Grievance

LGH Acute Medical Unit (AMU) Members

The ANMF has received a response from Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management regarding the Step 1 Grievance raised on behalf of LGH AMU members. At the time of this update, the ANMF is consulting with its members to evaluate if the response adequately addresses their concerns. Further updates will be provided as the consultation process unfolds.

The ANMF Briefs Executive Director of Nursing (EDON) and Chief Executive (CE) Hospitals North on COVID-19 Staffing Grievances

The ANMF has issued a briefing to EDON and CE of Hospitals North concerning current grievances related to COVID-19 staffing in various units including Ward 6D, Ward 5D, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Emergency Department (ED), and Ward 3R. As of now, a response has not been received. At the time of this newsflash, the ANMF is in the process of raising these concerns at the LGH safe staffing meeting. Further updates will be shared as the situation progresses.

Updates correct as at 4 October 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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