Private Sector Updates – Statewide


Calvary Health Care Tasmania (CHCT)

Following Calvary Health Care Tasmania tabling their workload clause, the ANMF has proposed a counteroffer which, if adopted, will ensure an increase in Working Hours per Patient Day (WHpPD) and the sanctioning of non-nursing hours/duties from the WHpPD model of care. As a sign of good will, ANMF members will pause in their Industrial Action to allow the employer to consider this proposed workload clause in full. Members are applauded for standing strong in their resolution for safe staffing numbers. View the latest update here.

North West

GP Clinics

ANMF Member Engagement Officer, Kathy Jarvis, has been visiting GP clinics across the North West Coast, distributing the latest ANMF communications and engaging  with members in their respective workplaces.


Calvary Workload Consultative Committee Meeting

The next Workload Consultative Committee (WCC) meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 22 November 2023, from 1430 hrs-1530hrs in the boardrooms at St. John’s and Lenah Valley hospitals via Webex. If you would like to attend but are rostered on to work, contact your manager to discuss if you can attend. If you would like more information, contact Southern Organiser Jane Pond via email at

TasIVF and Hobart Specialist Day Surgery

The ANMF visited members on Wednesday 15 November 2023 to celebrate Perioperative Nurses Week and to catch up with all members.

Updates correct as at 15 November 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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