Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Emergency Department (ED)

The ANMF has recently exchanged letters with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management regarding the outstanding Step 1 Grievance for the RHH ED. The THS has confirmed that the ED is currently substantively employed to a level approximately 5 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) above their current Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) Benchmark. The ANMF has a separate yet related query in to Statewide Mental Health Services (SMHS) about the ongoing provision of Grade 5 Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) resources to the ED, for which a response is anticipated by close of business Tuesday 31 October 2023. Pending the substance of SMHS’ feedback, it is anticipated that the Step 1 Grievance for ED can/will be closed. Additional member feedback on these matters is welcomed via email to

Aged Services Team

The ANMF has written to THS management seeking several updates regarding the ongoing Step 1 Grievance for RHH Aged Services Team including timeframes for Job Design Reviews of various Statements of Duties and Classification issues. Additionally, a follow-up member meeting has been formally requested for Wednesday 8 November 2023. Members will be advised once this date/time for a meeting has been confirmed and provided copy of THS’ response to all matters once received.

Nephrology South

The ANMF has written to THS management regarding workload, staffing and environmental concerns as identified at member meetings conducted at Nephrology Services South (Carruthers Building). A response to this letter has been requested by close of business Thursday 9 November 2023, following receipt of which copies will be provided to members for their consideration, with a future member meeting likely to ensue in due course.

Department Critical Care Medicine (DCCM)

The ANMF, having conducted a member meeting in RHH Department Critical Care Medicine (DCCM) on Monday 2 October 2023, has met with local management on Wednesday 25 October 2023 to relay all identified concerns and identify potential actions for solution. This meeting generated robust and productive discussion and an agreed way forward, with several major actions already in progress for the THS’ part. The ANMF anticipate a follow-up member meeting in the near future and will maintain lines of communication with its Workplace Representatives throughout.

Updates correct as at 1 November 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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