Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Operating Room Suite (ORS)

The ANMF has been actively engaging with members from the LGH ORS regarding recent workload challenges experienced during the Christmas slowdown period. ANMF Representatives have initiated discussions with LGH management, seeking confirmation on the 2024 benchmarking process while addressing member concerns. Further updates to follow.

Emergency Department (ED)

In an effort to address ongoing workload issues, the ANMF recently held a meeting with LGH ED members. The discussion centred on current workloads within the department, alongside updates on the ANMF’s statewide efforts concerning the Ambulance Tasmania 60 minute Transfer of Care (TOC) procedure. Further updates on this matter are expected, pending actions resulting from the ED member meeting held on Monday 19 February 2024.

Ward 3D

The ANMF is scheduled to meet with LGH Ward 3D members on Monday 26 February 2024, to address workload concerns raised by members in recent weeks. During this meeting, the ANMF will review the status of benchmarking for Ward 3D members and provide guidance on progressing the 2024 benchmarking process to assess staffing needs and identify necessary increases. Stay tuned for further updates following the meeting with LGH Ward 3D members as the ANMF continues to advocate for its members.

Updates are correct as of 21 February 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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