Andrew Brakey Awards 2024

Andrew Brakey Awards & Faye Hoppitt Rep of the Year Award – 25 June 2024 – Bellerive Yacht Club, Bellerive
The Andrew Brakey Awards are designed to recognise excellence in practice and innovation with a $2,000 prize to put towards further professional development for future learning and career progression. The awards ceremony was held on Tuesday 25 June 2024 with the following nominees, applicants and award recipients announced.

This year the ANMF/HERC received twenty nominees and applicants for the awards.
• Monique Andrews (Ainslie Low Head)
• Coralie Barber (LGH)
• Hazel Bucher (RISE Collaborative Health)
• Emily Chamley (Melaleuca Nursing Home)
• Jen Codee (EDON office THS-s)
• Rachel Cooper (Myeloma Australia)
• Elisha Deegan (Laurel House)
• Lucy Gardam (RHH)
• Maddelyn Gunn (RHH)
• Julie Haas (LGH)
• Ailsa Jones (LGH/ North-West Renal Satellite Unit Burnie)
• Courtney Lockhart (LGH) – 2 nominations
• Gracie Patten (RHH)
• Madeleine Postmus (LGH)
• Helen Saunders (RHH)
• Aries Soria (LGH)
• Emily Williams (Wintringham Residential Aged Care)
• Linda Xepapas (LGH) –  2 nominations.

The three recipients of the 2024 Andrew Brakey Awards:
Hazel Bucher – (PRIVATE SECTOR)
Lucy Gardam – (PUBLIC SECTOR)
Emily Chamley – (AGED CARE SECTOR)

The Faye Hoppitt Rep of the Year Award
This award recognises the hard work and dedication of an outstanding ANMF member who undertakes their role as a Workplace Rep. The nominees for the 2024 Faye Hoppitt Workplace Rep of the Year were:

• Jane Beechey
• Ailsa Jones
• Tenille Jones
• Helen Sherrin
• Steve Youl

The 2024 runner-up of the Faye Hoppitt Workplace Rep of the Year is:
Ailsa Jones – (LGH/ North-West Renal Satellite Unit Burnie)

The 2024 winner of the Faye Hoppitt Workplace Rep of the Year is:
Tenille Jones – (Corumbene Care – New Norfolk)

Congratulations to all our nominees, applicants, and award winners.

The ANMF/HERC would like to encourage you all, who play a role in the Public, Private and Aged Care Sectors to consider nominating or applying for the awards in 2025.

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