Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Ward 3D

The ANMF met with LGH Ward 3D members on Monday 4 March 2024, to address workload concerns raised by members in recent weeks. During this meeting, the ANMF reviewed the status of benchmarking for Ward 3D members and provided guidance on progressing the 2024 benchmarking process to assess staffing needs and identify necessary increases. Stay tuned for further updates following the meeting with LGH Ward 3D members as the ANMF continues to advocate for our members’ interests.

Wards 5D and 6D

In late 2023, recommendations to resolve Step 2 grievances in both Ward 5D and Ward 6D were put to the Chief Executive of Hospitals North for approval. To date, the ANMF has not been advised about the progress of these business cases. As a result, the ANMF will be scheduling meetings with members to discuss the next steps in progressing this matter to seek a resolution for members. In the instance where a collaborative solution cannot be found, the ANMF will discuss with members what alternative actions need to be taken.

Nurse Unit Managers (NUMs)

In 2023, the ANMF advocated for additional supports for LGH NUMs of the back of workload concerns. At the time, LGH senior management were to review administrative supports for NUMs. The ANMF was advised that the review process recommended NUMs should be provided with administrative assistance. However, the ANMF has subsequently been advised that the recommendation has now been withdrawn resulting in no additional supports being provided to NUM’s. The ANMF will be meeting with LGH NUMs to discuss the next steps in progressing their workload concerns. Further updates to follow.

Updates are correct as of 7 March 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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