Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Ward 5D – Members Seek Resolution on Transfer of Care Procedure

Members of the ANMF from Ward 5D convened on Tuesday 12 March 2024 to address concerns regarding the ongoing implementation of the Transfer of Care (ToC) procedure. The meeting, focused on the progress of their Step 2 Grievance, saw members resolve to advocate for a swift resolution.

During discussions, it was unanimously agreed that the ANMF should submit a formal request on behalf of Ward 5D members to have the Step 2 recommendations and a date for approval provided within one week. Furthermore, members emphasised the importance of ensuring that the ToC procedure is not implemented without the provision of additional nursing resources to maintain patient safety.

As of the latest update, the ToC procedure remains at status quo. A response from the Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery regarding the progress of Step 2 is pending. Stay tuned for further updates as Ward 5D members continue to advocate for their concerns regarding the ToC procedure.

Ward 6D – Members Rally for Action on Transfer of Care Procedure

On Wednesday 13 March 2024, members of the ANMF from Ward 6D gathered to discuss the ongoing progress of their Step 2 Grievance concerning the ToC procedure. The meeting, aimed at addressing concerns about the ToC procedure, resulted in a collective resolution.

In alignment with their colleagues, Ward 6D members unanimously agreed that the ANMF should submit a formal request on their behalf to have the Step 2 recommendation and a date for approval provided within one week. Additionally, they stressed the importance of ensuring that the ToC procedure is not implemented without the provision of additional nursing resources to uphold patient safety standards.

At present, the ToC procedure remains at status quo. A response from the Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery regarding the progress of Step 2 is pending. Stay tuned for further updates as Ward 6D members continue their advocacy efforts regarding the ToC procedure.

Emergency Department (ED) – The ANMF Advocates for Additional Resources Amid Transfer of Care Protocol Concerns

The ANMF has intensified its advocacy efforts in the ED regarding concerns over the implementation of the ToC procedure. ANMF members in the ED have been vocal in their requests for additional nursing and support resources to address issues related to bed block and access and flow at the Launceston General Hospital (LGH).

As of the latest update, the ANMF is actively engaged in the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC), maintaining a Status Quo order to compel the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) to consult appropriately regarding the ToC procedure. The ANMF remains committed to advocating for the welfare and safety of nurses, midwives, and patients in the Tasmanian healthcare system.

Stay tuned for further updates on ANMFs efforts to address concerns surrounding the ToC procedure in the ED.

Updates are correct as of 21 March 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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