Public Sector Updates – North West

Renal Unit Step 2 Grievance

ANMF Officials met with Renal Unit members on Wednesday 13 March 2024 as part of the Step 2 Grievance procedure. ANMF members understand that the Model of Care is to be endorsed at the Statewide Safe Staffing meeting on Thursday 21 March 2024, which will pave the way for the benchmarking business case to be approved. The grievance will remain at Step 2 whilst that happens.

North West Regional Hospital Surgical Ward

ANMF members indicated on Wednesday 6 March 2024, in principle support should the 2022/2023 benchmarking be similar to that previously supplied in the corrupted tool. Given that the benchmarking provided shows a small increase it is endorsed, and the business case can be progressed.

At the meeting members raised concerns that there is uncertainty that clinical facilitators will continue to be rostered on Surgical Ward. Clinical facilitators are valued for their positive contribution to address skill mix and workload concerns. The ANMF is advocating fiercely in multiple arenas that the previously promised role be maintained.

Updates are correct as of 20 March 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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