Private Sector Updates – Statewide

Australian Red Cross Lifeblood

The ANMF has been contacted by members regarding Lifeblood’s Registered Nurse Indirect Supervision-Contingency Model of Operation for situations when a Registered Nurse (RN) cannot be sourced for a session. This contingency plan was implemented recently in the Hobart Centre. This is a change in service as previously Lifeblood’s policy was that a centre could not open without an RN present.

The ANMF advise members to monitor how often the contingency plan is utilised as this should only be used in exceptional circumstances. Lifeblood has told the ANMF that if any RN or Enrolled Nurse (EN) is not comfortable with being the nominated EN or indirect supervising RN, to voice their concerns to management.


Calvary Health Care-Hospitals North

The ANMF were informed of proposed roster changes to staffing theatres at both St Vincent’s and St Luke’s hospitals. Calvary has proposed to remove the 10 hour shifts currently worked, by arrangement, with some staff. The ANMF met with St Vincent’s theatre staff to listen to concerns around the change proposal. The ANMF has received an invite to be present when Calvary hold a Theatre staff meeting to discuss the feedback and next steps in the consultation process. It is the ANMF’s expectation to be present at this meeting.

Updates are correct as of 29 May 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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