Public Sector Updates – North West

North West Regional Hospital (NWRH)

Spencer Clinic

The ANMF has received a change proposal for consultation to move to a ratio model for direct nursing in Statewide Mental Health Service (SMHS) Acute Inpatient Units including Spencer Clinic. To enable appropriate consultation with members the ANMF has asked for further information which has not been forthcoming. As soon as the information is received the ANMF will arrange to meet with members. Keep an eye out on your inbox for member meeting invites and updates.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

The ANMF, along with ICU nurses, were presented with the revised 2022-2023 Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) benchmarking data which shows a Full Time Equivalent (FTE) increase of 11.21. Members endorsed the benchmarking noting that at this time the intention is to use some of the direct care hours to increase the PICC service to the North West Region from 2 days to 5. The grade for a PICC nurse in other facilities is a Grade 6 and is in addition to direct care hours. THS management have been formally notified.

Updates are correct as of 1 May 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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