Private Sector Updates – Statewide


Private Sector Help to Lift Wages

You may be aware that as a national body, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has filed a landmark application with the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to increase the minimum Award wages for nurses and midwives working in private hospitals and the diverse sector.

TasIVF Protected Action Ballot

Members at TasIVF are escalating their campaign for an improved bargaining offer and next week will start voting in a Protected Action Ballot (PAB).

For TasIVF to sustain quality service for patients, looking after its nurses should be a prerequisite.

The PAB will give members the option to take protected industrial action if required, which could take the form of stoppages of work as well as distributing information about our campaign to members of the public.


Calvary Health Care Hospitals North

The ANMF has recently met with members who report indecisiveness around the removal of 10-hour shifts coupled with other workplace matters have culminated in a stressful workplace. The ANMF has arranged a meeting between employees and Calvary executives in an effort to move forward. Members currently employed at Calvary St Vincent’s Theatre should have received an invite to this meeting, if you have not received an invite, please email Northern Organiser Nicki Hood

Updates are correct as of 10 July 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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