Latest news and updates from across the state
EA Updates
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
TasIVF and Hobart Specialist Day Hospital Nurses
In our survey of ANMF members, a majority of members indicated they would accept a four year Agreement if it was put out to vote by the Employer. A key benefit for Registered Nurses (RNs) will be the introduction of new top pay points. It will also involve backpay of general wage increases and relevant market adjustments from 1 July 2024. The results of the survey have been communicated back to management. The ANMF look to engage with management on providing a draft Agreement to ensure all of your rights are enforceable with the hope to have a timely resolution of bargaining.
Midwifery Group Practice (MGP)
The ANMF is writing to all members working in the MGP statewide regarding the current state of enterprise bargaining. In June 2024, the ANMF received an offer for the Caseload Midwifery Agreement, which failed to address the specific and unique working conditions of our members. As a result, members unanimously rejected this offer.
The ANMF has not received a response to our June 2024 correspondence and believes that negotiations have reached a stalemate. Given the time it took to receive an offer due to the caretaker period as a result of the State Election, the time lapsed since the last bargaining meeting and the lack of response to members’ rejection of the final offer, we have formally requested that bargaining recommences.
To support this process, we will be conducting a survey to gather feedback and develop a new Log of Claims (LoC). This survey will help ensure that the revised claims reflect the needs and priorities of MGP members. The ANMF will present the new LoC within two weeks.
The ANMF Organising team will be contact with MGP members in each region once the survey has closed to endorse a draft LoC.
Wintringham Bargaining Update
In Enterprise Agreement negotiations, Wintringham has put forward a rather vague wages offer, premised on a four-year agreement. Read the full update.
Healthe Care North West Private Hospital (NWPH)
Since the ANMF applied to run a Protected Action Ballot (PAB), Healthe Care has been very keen to discuss your bargaining claims and there has been a lot more dialogue. The ANMF met with all parties bargaining for your Enterprise Agreement (EA) on Thursday 12 September 2024, to discuss Appendix B Principle of Workload Management. Appendix B covers the claims that members have made regarding minimum staffing, workload, education and regulatory requirements. View the full update.
Melaleuca Home of the Aged Inc. General Staff
Negotiations for the Melaleuca Home for the Aged Inc. General Staff Agreement have been finalised and the final document will now be distributed by Melaleuca Home for the Aged Inc. for your consideration prior to a ballot.
- All eligible employees will now have the opportunity to vote as to whether they want to accept the new Agreement.
- All employees will have access to a copy of the Agreement at least 7 days prior to voting.
- Please note that you will receive an information pack from Melaleuca Home for the Aged Inc. which will provide advice on the ballot process.
- The information will include the date and time of opening and closing of the ballot.
Baptcare Karingal
As bargaining for the new EA continues, the ANMF has presented Baptcare with a wages offer for the duration of the Agreement, along with a proposal for two years of backpay. The ANMF has also suggested changes to classifications, including the introduction of an after-hours nurse manager at RN level 3 and a nurse in charge at level 2, and has requested additional pay points for Enrolled Nurses (ENs). Discussions have also covered progression through pay points based on years of service.
Meercroft Care
The ANMF attended a meeting with your employer on Tuesday 17 September 2024, to resume the negotiations for your Enterprise Agreement (EA). Your employer has committed to providing a response by early next week to outstanding claims for wages, personal leave, training and professional development leave, and parental leave for non-primary care givers. Once the response is received, the ANMF will update members and seek your view on the revised offer via a survey.
The ANMF will schedule a member meeting on Thursday 26 September 2024 at 1400hrs to provide updates and seek members feedback on the offer as a whole. Keep an eye on your inbox for an invite so that you can have your say.
Updates are correct as of 18 September 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary
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