Aged Care Updates – Statewide


Uniting AgeWell

The ANMF attended the latest Enterprise Agreement (EA) bargaining meeting on Thursday 19 December 2024. View the latest update.

Respect Aged Care

The ANMF has received an update on the EA negotiations for Respect. Respect has now provided to the ANMF their final offer. Despite the ANMF’s efforts to improve Respect’s offer, they have confirmed their final position. View the latest update.


Aged Care Deloraine

Following a significant delay in negotiations your employer met again with the ANMF where we pressed for a commitment from them to your Log of Claims (LoC) items. The wage offer was confirmed to be 2% for each year of the agreement or the Fair Work annual wage review whichever is greater. Once your employer presents a final draft of the proposed agreement, the ANMF will review the offer prior to sending a summary EA update to members.

Medea Park

The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 28 January 2025, following initial meetings with Medea Park executives. In preparation for this next bargaining meeting a survey will be sent to all members next week, please take the time to answer this quick survey so your voice is heard! The ANMF looks forward to meeting with members to receive your feedback on Thursday 16 January 2025.

North West

Baptcare Karingal

Members should be very proud of the stand they took outside their workplace on Wednesday 18 December 2024. Industrial action is not taken lightly by any member and the ANMF appreciates the courage members displayed while taking this industrial action. However, the fight is not over yet! The ANMF will write again to your employer representative outlining a fair wage offer that brings you into line with other providers will be favourably considered by members. Members feedback is sought on the next steps to take and your Organiser will be at your workplace this Thursday 9 January 2025 to discuss these. We encourage you to be present at the meeting so your voice can be heard!

Meercroft Home for the Aged

The ANMF is waiting to hear from your employer with a draft offer, once we have this information the ANMF will circulate an EA update to members that summarises the offer.



The ANMF continues to engage with Wintringham management to finalise the drafting of the EA. View the latest update.

Christian Homes Tasmania

The parties met on Thursday 12 December 2024 in relation to the Christian Homes Enterprise Agreement bargaining. A number of issues were discussed. View the latest update.

Updates are correct as of 8 January 2025.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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