Private Sector Updates – Statewide


Negotiations have concluded with Anglicare signalling they will prepare a draft offer early February 2025 for parties to consider. The ANMF has yet to receive this draft and has contacted the employer to request this be send as a matter of urgency.

The District Nurses

At the bargaining meeting last week there was progress on some items, however management continues to consider its position on items including wages and workload.


District Nurses management agreed to the ANMF claims to increase the amounts of the on-call allowance and the remote call allowance.

Management agreed to improve access to the higher duties allowance. Higher duties allowance currently applies if an employee performs higher duties for a period of four or more working days in a fortnight/pay period. Management agreed to reduce the qualifying period to three days.

Compassionate Leave

Management agreed to increase the compassionate leave to 5 days per occasion. Management did not agree to the ANMF claim for a greater entitlement in instances where interstate travel is required.

Mandatory Training to be Undertaken on Paid Time

Management indicated it would provide a draft clause on this. We will review the proposed drafting.


Management is yet to agree to the ANMF claim for employees to have the right to initiate a workload review and for a regular consultative forum to be established to discuss workload issues.

Calvary Health Care – Home Care Services

The ANMF wishes to advise members that the Calvary Health Care – Home Care Services – Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2023–2026 has been approved by the Fair Work Commission.

The agreement will operate from Monday 10 March 2025 and the nominal expiry date is Monday 30 June 2027. Any wage increases and new entitlements will be effective from the dates as stated in the agreement. View the agreement.

Updates are correct as of 6 March 2025.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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