Latest news and updates from across the state
EA Updates
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Your ANMF bargaining team clearly conveyed your feedback that management needs to significantly improve its pay and conditions offer, and that you are willing to campaign for the necessary improvements. Read the full update.
Respect Aged Care
Negotiations continue for a replacement industrial instrument. At the last meeting, Respect has rejected a fair number of claims from members including the enrolled nurse pay increments which the ANMF sought to reflect the invaluable experience enrolled nurses bring to aged care. Respect has also rejected displaying the minimum mandated care minutes on rosters which the ANMF sought for transparency. The ANMF will continue to push for a strong outcome with the next scheduled meeting on Thursday 25 July 2024.
Caseload Midwifery Industrial Agreement
The ANMF inform you that the Government’s recent offer for the Caseload Midwifery Industrial Agreement has been rejected. The ANMF has communicated our response to the Head of State Service, highlighting our members’ profound disappointment and the shortcomings of the offer. Read the full update.
Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
Thanks everyone who voted on our bargaining claim for Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation (TAC). The claim has been endorsed and submitted to management.
The claim includes seeking classification structures that are more meaningful and expressly recognise the work of enrolled nurses and registered nurses.
The ANMF is running a snap poll to seek more feedback and guidance on the TAC classification structures. Please look out for our snap poll and encourage your colleagues to complete it.
Medea Park
Following successful lobbying of your employer, Medea Park have indicated they are willing to commence bargaining for a new agreement. Northern Organiser Nicki Hood met with members recently to discuss the Log of Claims (LoC). Members requested a few additional claims be included which the industrial officials have attended to. Are you passionate about a strong outcome for ANMF members working at Medea Park? If so, your colleagues need you! Become a Workplace Delegate, to commence a nomination please contact Nicki Hood via email at nicki.hood@anmftas.org.au
Calvary Home Care
Calvary sought to delay the scheduled meetings following the national minimum wage announcement stating they required the time to adjust and work through the wage claim from the ANMF. Therefore, the ANMF expects wages and allowances plus any addition outstanding matters to be presented to the unions at the next scheduled meeting held on Tuesday 6 August 2024. Following this meeting the ANMF will schedule a member meeting to receive your feedback.
HealtheCare – North West Private Hospital
The ANMF attended a meeting with your employer on Monday 15 July 2024 at which the Log of Claims (LoC) rationale was put forward. The main discussion was around ANMF members’ claims for a move to ratios that provide for safe staffing taking into account minimum staffing for night shift. Your employer has committed to reviewing the LoC and providing a response including a wages offer on Monday 29 July 2024.
Updates are correct as of 24 July 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary
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