ANMF Lodge Staffing Dispute In Industrial Commission
27 November 2024
Media Door Stop
When: 10.30am, Wednesday, 27 November
Where: 19 Brisbane Street, Launceston
Who: ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd
The Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) late yesterday lodged a dispute with the Tasmanian Industrial Commission relating to the unrelenting and unreasonable workloads of the large majority of wards and units across the State which are not meeting the minimum staffing levels on a regular basis.
In addition, those wards and units that are meeting the minimum staffing level often are doing so through the use of onerous amounts of overtime and double shifts and also with part time staff constantly called upon to pick up additional shifts.
“Despite a commitment from the Department and Government to an immediate uplift of agency staff following further industrial action in August and agreement to address lengthy recruitment delays and to apply the market allowance to areas with positions that are hard to fill, none of these commitments have occurred and members are left to deal with understaff clinical areas that places themselves and their patients at risk,” ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd said.
The ANMF’s application will outline specific examples where staffing has not met the minimum levels or has been deemed unsafe by members. Including instances where clinical wards have worked with up to 4 nursing staff short which can be almost up to 50% of the staffing requirement for that shift. It also demonstrates an ongoing upward trajectory of double shifts across all the states hospitals and a significant impact on the states Emergency Departments with ED’s working with up to 10 staff short on occasions.
“The need for adequate and achievement of minimum staffing levels is well supported in evidence-based research and the majority of evidence indicates that patient outcomes are much better in areas with better nursing and midwifery staffing.
“There should not be a question about whether these minimum levels are achieved, it is a legal requirement by this Government, yet it is continually breaching this mandate. This not only places patients’ health and safety at risk it is placing our members health and wellbeing at risk as well.”
The Tasmanian Industrial Commission has issued orders and set down a date for conciliation between the ANMF and the Department of Health next week.
The ANMF will be seeking a resolution to the ongoing staffing deficits to support our members and their ongoing desire to keep their patient safe.
Media contact:
Emily Shepherd
Mobile: 0400 884 021