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Latest News + Updates

Public Sector Updates – South

April 5th, 2023|

Public Sector Updates - South Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Car Parking On Tuesday 28 March 2023, the ANMF received numerous member contacts regarding the apparent unavailability of car parking at Market Place for the late shift. Subsequently, enquiries have been lodged with Sultan Group’s General Manager of parking who has pledged a full response by close of business [...]

Andrew Brakey Awards 2023

April 5th, 2023|

Andrew Brakey Awards 2023 The ANMF welcome applications and nominations for the inaugural ANMF Andrew Brakey Awards.  These awards are designed to recognise excellence in practice and innovation with a $2000 prize to put towards further professional development for the applicant’s future learning and career progression. Awards will be presented to successful applicants from the [...]

Faye Hoppitt Rep of the Year 2023

April 5th, 2023|

Faye Hoppitt Rep of the Year 2023 Do you know an outstanding ANMF Workplace Rep that deserves to be recognised for their hard work and dedication? Maybe they have helped you through a difficult workplace issue, offered support and advice when no one else would, or inspired an unprecedented number of members to sign [...]

Enterprise Agreement Updates: Private & Aged Care Sectors

March 23rd, 2023|

EA Updates We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed. Calvary Health Care Tasmania Nursing Enterprise Agreement The ANMF has received Calvary Health Care Tasmania's (CHCT) response. It is very disappointing. CHCT continue to ignore the [...]

Aged Care Updates – Statewide

March 23rd, 2023|

Aged Care Updates - Statewide Statewide Southern Cross Care Tasmania (SCCT) Following the recent Fair Work Commission (FWC) hearing, the ANMF are waiting for SCCT to present the Household Model of Care and Change Proposal which they promised by Tuesday 21 March 2023. The ANMF will contact SCCT if this information is not received. More details to follow. [...]

Public Sector Updates – North West

March 23rd, 2023|

Public Sector Updates - North West North West Regional Hospital (NWRH) Spencer Clinic The ANMF met with members at the NWRHl Spencer Clinic. Concerns raised including benchmarking data accuracy, recruitment, and the fact that the matrix document, currently used to baseline roster, is not always followed. The ANMF has formally notified Spencer Clinic management and a response is [...]

Media Releases

Media Release: National R U OK Day

Nurses, midwives, and care workers to check in on their colleagues on national R U OK? Day 09 September 2020 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch [...]

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