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Enterprise Agreement Updates: Private & Aged Care Sectors

November 23rd, 2022|

EA Updates We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed. Calvary Health Care Tasmania The ANMF is arranging a petition of nursing staff to demonstrate that nurses want to begin bargaining for a replacement Enterprise Agreement. [...]

Aged Care Updates – Statewide

November 23rd, 2022|

Aged Care Updates - Statewide Southern Cross Care (Tas) Inc. The ANMF has been advocating at a State and Federal level with regards to the Southern Cross Care (Tas) Inc. (SCCT) proposal to make all Enrolled Nurses (ENs) redundant through implementation of a household model of care. The ANMF were on site to meet with members on Wednesday [...]

Public Sector Updates – South

November 23rd, 2022|

Public Sector Updates - South Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Car Parking (Market Place and Vodafone) The ANMF has been in receipt of several member contacts regarding difficulties in accessing parking within both Market Place and Vodafone car parks last Tuesday 15 November 2022. The ANMF has made enquiries with both the Tasmanian Health Service and Sultan Group. Please [...]

Public Sector Updates – North West

November 23rd, 2022|

Public Sector Updates - North West North West Regional Hospital – Spencer Clinic Workload Grievance The ANMF, on behalf of members, continue to meet with Statewide Mental Health Service (SMHS) management to monitor the progress and pursue outcomes for the Step 3 Workload Grievance. An extensive review by SMHS has shown that the data required for re benchmarking [...]

Public Sector Updates – North

November 23rd, 2022|

Public Sector Updates - North Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Operating Room Suite (ORS) The ANMF has been invited to the ORS benchmarking meeting scheduled for Tuesday 29 November 2022. Following this meeting, the ANMF is looking to reschedule the missed members meeting for Thursday 1 December 2022. Further updates to follow soon. Holman Clinic On Tuesday 15 November [...]

Public Sector Updates – Statewide

November 23rd, 2022|

Public Sector Updates - Statewide Child Health and Parenting Service (CHaPS) Statewide Grievance The ANMF has made progress on the CHaPS workload dispute. The first working group meeting occurred on Wednesday 23 November 2022 to review the nursing model. Several of the matters discussed at the third Step 2 Specialist Panel meeting held on Tuesday 1 November 2022 have [...]

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