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ANMF Media Release: Aged Care Royal Commission Report – Can’t Come Soon Enough

February 19th, 2021|Comments Off on ANMF Media Release: Aged Care Royal Commission Report – Can’t Come Soon Enough

Aged Care Royal Commission Report – Can’t Come Soon Enough 19 February 2021 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) are eagerly anticipating the release of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety report and recommendations to address unsafe staffing, skill mix, and support [...]

ANMF Media Release: ANMF respond to further Launceston General Hospital allegations

February 16th, 2021|Comments Off on ANMF Media Release: ANMF respond to further Launceston General Hospital allegations

ANMF respond to further Launceston General Hospital allegations 16 February 2021 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) are dismayed to learn of additional allegations of child sexual abuse at the Launceston General Hospital (LGH). The ANMF acknowledge the impact this alleged abuse has had on [...]

ANMF Media Release: Healthscope Hobart Private offer cash incentives to recruit

February 16th, 2021|Comments Off on ANMF Media Release: Healthscope Hobart Private offer cash incentives to recruit

Healthscope Hobart Private offer cash incentives to recruit, yet Nursing and Midwifery Agreement at risk 16 February 2021 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) have been representing nursing staff at Healthscope’s Hobart Private Hospital in current nursing negotiations for a new Enterprise Agreement. During this [...]

Media Release: Nursing and Midwifery Wish List for Christmas – COVID-Safe

December 17th, 2020|Comments Off on Media Release: Nursing and Midwifery Wish List for Christmas – COVID-Safe

Nursing and Midwifery Wish List for Christmas – COVID-Safe 17 December 2020 All I want for Christmas is a COVID-safe Tasmania As the Tasmanian community prepares for Christmas and the holiday season, the members of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) are preparing to continue [...]

Media Release: Workplace Representatives meet with health officials

November 19th, 2020|Comments Off on Media Release: Workplace Representatives meet with health officials

MEDIA DOORSTOP: Workplace Representatives meet with health officials 19 November 2020 Workplace Representatives of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Tasmanian Branch will meet tomorrow, Friday 20 December 2020, for the Annual Delegates Conference (ADC) in Hobart with this year’s COVID-19 safe event allowing streaming from around [...]

ANMF Media Release: Commission of Inquiry

November 10th, 2020|Comments Off on ANMF Media Release: Commission of Inquiry

Commission of Inquiry 10 November 2020 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Tasmanian Branch today called for a State Commission of Inquiry into former Registered Nurse Jim Griffin. ANMF Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd said the Commission of Inquiry was warranted given the former nurse’s extensive history across [...]

Launceston General Hospital Ward 4K Terms of Reference

November 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on Launceston General Hospital Ward 4K Terms of Reference

Launceston General Hospital Ward 4K Terms of Reference 3 November 2020 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Tasmanian Branch today welcomed the release of the Terms of Reference into the independent investigation into historic sexual abuse allegations at the Launceston General Hospital. ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary Emily [...]

Media Release: ‘All in this together’ a reminder to check in on Mental Health Day tomorrow

October 9th, 2020|Comments Off on Media Release: ‘All in this together’ a reminder to check in on Mental Health Day tomorrow

‘All in this together’ a reminder to check in on Mental Health Day tomorrow 9 September 2020 This week, as part of Mental Health Week and in the lead up to Mental Health Day tomorrow, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) have been highlighting the [...]

Media Release: Budget Announcement

October 7th, 2020|Comments Off on Media Release: Budget Announcement

Budget fails to deliver real investment in nursing, midwifery and aged care 7 September 2020 While the Treasurer may have acknowledged healthcare workers for their courage, commitment, and compassion during the COVID-19 pandemic, last night’s Federal Budget announcement sadly shows a failure to deliver. Australian Nursing and Midwifery [...]

Media Release: COVID-19 Recovery – District Hospitals

September 29th, 2020|Comments Off on Media Release: COVID-19 Recovery – District Hospitals

COVID-19 Recovery - District Hospitals 29 September 2020 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) today called on the Gutwein Liberal Government to focus on Tasmania’s 13 District Hospitals in the upcoming State Budget. “Many communities across Tasmania have a district hospital providing inpatient stays as [...]