
Royal Hobart Hospital

Psychiatric Emergency Nurses (PEN)

The ANMF and Workplace Representatives attended the Tasmanian Industrial Commission on 3 June 2020, to discuss member concerns regarding the Mental Health Short Stay Unit (MHSSU) change proposal. This proposed change would remove the Psychiatric Emergency Nurse (PEN’s) from the Emergency Department  and relocate them in the MHSSU. The ANMF raised concerns with this change to the Commission, including a lack of genuine consultation under the Award. The ANMF are now holding discussion with Tasmanian Health Service management regarding a trial of the PENs being located in the MHSSU, however having an indirect role allowing them to conduct in-reach into the Royal Hobart Hospital Emergency Department. The ANMF will consult with members regarding the details of the trial, prior to the reporting back at a conference.

Whittle Ward

The ANMF attended a Step 2 Grievance specialist panel meeting on 22 June 2020 to discuss recommended outcomes for the workload concerns raised at the Repatriation Centres Whittle Ward. The ANMF are pleased to report that there was an agreement between the parties that rostering an additional Registered Nurse on the afternoon shift would be the most appropriate way to decrease the workload burden of ANMF members. The ANMF thank the THS for their commitment to address the concerns of ANMF members and we look forward to continuing to work with them to ensure that this is permanently funded on an ongoing basis. For more details please read the latest newsflash here.

Updates correct as at 25 June 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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