ANMF COVID-19 Newsflash: I-MED Radiology

Instead, a reply was received from Angelique Vrisakis Employment Counsel which included the update sent to staff from Shrey Viranna CEO. We have not repeated that update here as it has apparently been sent to all employees.

Needless to say, that response is general rather than specific in detail and does not answer any of the questions put to management by the ANMF on behalf of members. However, the ANMF understands that services at I-MED radiology may have been scaled down. If this is the case and if it has impacted on you and you require further assistance, please contact member support as below.

If you are continuing to work and there are any issues with PPE, N95 masks and FIT testing or any other issues relating to the Omicron situation please contact the member support team.

We also reiterate the advice from your employer to make use of your Employee Assistance Programme if needed, we would remind people that they can contact the Nurses and Midwives Support Line on 1800 677 877, this is a free and confidential service which is available 24/7.

Read the PDF version here.

Updates correct as at 25 January 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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