ANMF COVID-19 Newsflash: LGH ED

Summary of the current solutions and progress are detailed below:

  • The Tasmanian Heath Service (THS) will try to roster an additional nurse on in the hot zones to provided support and assistance and should this not be able to occur an Assistant in Nursing (AIN) will be rostered.
  • ENs who have indicated interest in working in the ED will be fast tracked into positions.
  • Clinical Coaches; are to be rostered on each shift. Noting the issue is that they are often being allocated to tasks that don’t fit within their role.
  • Staff retention following exit survey and follow up of staff that have left the department, has resulted in a minimal gain in staff. However, the ANMF will discuss this with THS HR and determine what other avenues can be explored to attract staff back to the department.
  • Current vacancies are 13.51 FTE.
  • NUM and ANUM meeting to occur with a report back to be provided to the ANMF out of session.
  • Surge workforce capacity document to be sent to the ANMF for consultation.
  • The THS committed to reviewing the issue of leave entitlements, of RN’s who have transferred to other agencies, not being made available to them. This issue has a resulted in those staff having no other option but to resign.
  • The THS are to review other services that may be available to assist throughout the pandemic response.

The ANMF believes that the above items represent progress in the right direction, taking into consideration the current impact and challenges faced by COVID-19. Within the survey linked below, the ANMF will be seeking a position on how members would like the ANMF to maintain oversight of the ED workload matter, given progress could be maintained at present without the assistance of the TIC.  Your commitment to completion of the survey is appreciated and we ask that you promote this survey amongst your ANMF LGH ED peers.

The Survey will remain open until 0900 hrs on Wednesday 2 March 2022.

Click here to access the Survey.

Read the PDF version here.

Updates correct as at 11 February 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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