Newsflash: Fair Work Commission Work Value Case

The aged care case full bench has accepted that there are work value grounds for lifting pay for “direct care” workers in the sector, awarding an interim 15% rise.

Direct care workers include registered nurses, enrolled nurses, assistants in nursing, personal care workers and health care workers, for which it had been established “that the existing minimum rates do not properly compensate employees …”.

The timing of the 15% rise is yet to determined. The Fair Work Commission will also consider, at a later date, whether an increase higher than 15% is justified.

The Commission will hear submissions from the parties on the timing of the increase. This includes submission from the Federal Government who have a role in funding the sector.

Please note, this increase is to Award rates of pay. An employer cannot pay less than the Award. People who are on a rate higher than the Award (because they are on an EA) may not see a pay increase – or may have a pay increase lesser than 15%.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) would like to thank our members who provided evidence for the consideration of the Commission. We will provide an update to members once more information is available

Read the PDF version here.

Updates correct as at 8 November 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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