Public Sector Updates – Statewide

Public Sector Safe Staffing Solutions

Amidst the flurry of updates on various previously agreed Agreement matters, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) voices its growing frustration over the sluggish pace of progress. As discussions linger and reports stall, the ANMF emphasises the mounting pressures faced by its nursing and midwifery members, who tirelessly navigate challenging work environments.

The ANMF underscores the urgent need for tangible solutions to address these pressing issues. Disappointment looms as deadlines pass, and promises remain unfulfilled. Recognising the critical importance of ensuring minimum safe staffing levels, the ANMF stands resolute in its commitment to advocating for the well-being of its members.

In light of the persistent delays and inaction, the ANMF puts forth a clear message: unless concrete steps are taken to rectify the situation, the organisation will not hesitate to explore all available avenues. This includes consulting with members on the possibility of Industrial Action to safeguard minimum safe staffing levels. Additionally, the ANMF is prepared to lodge multiple disputes in the Tasmanian Industrial Commission to demand accountability and enforce the rights of its members.

Department for Education, Children and Young People: Nurses

Workplace Representatives have contacted the ANMF requesting support to review classifications of school-based nurses, considering the current program has been active for 10 years. The ANMF will shortly be calling school-based nurses to come together to discuss classifications and Statement of Duties (SoD). If you need to update your member details to reflect your current employer, please do so ASAP via your member portal so you do not miss the meeting invitation.

Updates are correct as of 15 May 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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