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Aged Care Updates – Statewide

February 8th, 2023|

Aged Care Updates - Statewide Statewide Southern Cross Care Tasmania (SCCT) Household Model of Care Keep an eye out for Southern Cross Care Tasmania (SCCT) meetings that the employer states they will be running with staff, relatives, and residents in your site. The ANMF strongly encourage members to engage with the process and let SCCT know what you [...]

Public Sector Updates – North West

February 8th, 2023|

Public Sector Updates - North West Rosebery Community Health Centre, the ANMF continue to pursue Salary Maintenance Since December 2021, the ANMF has pursued salary maintenance on behalf of members as the ongoing reduction of service delivery at Rosebery Community Health Centre (RCHC) has had a financial impact. The ANMF is advised that the deed will be finalised [...]

Public Sector Updates – North

February 8th, 2023|

Public Sector Updates - North Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Ward 3D On Wednesday 1 February 2023, the ANMF met with Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Ward 3D members to provide a report back on the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) response to the ANMF Step 1 Grievance raised prior to Christmas. In summary, members have agreed to place the Grievance [...]

Private Sector Updates – Statewide

February 8th, 2023|

Private Sector Updates - Statewide Calvary Health Care Tasmania The ANMF attended the Enterprise Agreement (EA) meeting on Friday 3 February 2023. Unfortunately, there were no discussions, for while the ANMF had submitted the Log of Claims (LoC) on behalf of members, the employer was awaiting a LoC from another union so were not prepared to have a [...]

Public Sector Updates – Statewide

February 8th, 2023|

Public Sector Updates - Statewide Enterprise Agreement Negotiations The first ‘real’ meeting to discuss the Log of Claims (LoC) generated by members is to be held on Friday afternoon 10 February 2023. A regular schedule of meetings has been set, so we trust that some of the matters, causing concerns for nurses and midwives, may be explored and [...]

Public Sector Updates – South

February 8th, 2023|

Public Sector Updates - South Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Outpatient Oncology (8A) The ANMF understand the 'Statement of Duties' for the proposed 8A Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC) position to have been finalised and the draft presented to nurses for their consideration. Once any feedback has been considered the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) have indicated they will progress this [...]

Media Releases

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