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EA Updates

The Bargaining team met on Friday 20 September 2024, to discuss the Log of Claims (LoC), and while preliminary feedback was provided by the employer, further discussions will occur at the next bargaining meeting scheduled for Friday 1 November 2024.

Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation (TAC)
In response to our good faith bargaining concerns, TAC management has agreed to at least three bargaining meetings with the ANMF Bargaining Team. We have conveyed member feedback that although the commitment to 15% employer superannuation contributions is welcomed, the wage offer requires improvement. The Board has put forward 3.1% in Year One (2024), 3.2% in Year Two (2025) and 3.3% in Year Three (2026).

Regarding the timing, we asked that the first wage increase on offer takes effect from Sunday 1 September 2024. We also reiterated the importance of improving and clarifying the classification structure. We look forward to series of proper bargaining meetings for genuine negotiation and to work through the drafting to ensure best practice conditions. Bargaining is a numbers game. We will design campaign activities to show our collective strength. We will also be asking for your help to encourage Aboriginal Health Workers to join the ANMF. Stay tuned for information on a new membership category for this group. Read the latest EA update.

OneCare General Staff
In recent weeks the ANMF has been working with OneCare management on the drafting of the Enterprise Agreement (EA) to give effect to the outcomes of bargaining, including wage increases, paid pregnancy loss leave and paid family violence leave. Read the full update.

Respect Aged Care
The ANMF has written to Jason Binder, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), attaching your personal messages about the need to include a commitment in the Enterprise Agreement (EA) for Respect to meet the targets set for it by the Australian Government for Care Minutes per resident. We are asking Respect to meet regularly with the ANMF to provide updates on care minutes/ skills mix. The ANMF Bargaining Team will continue to advocate strongly on this, and other unresolved bargaining issues. Read the full update.

OneCare Nurses Offer Details
In recent weeks the ANMF has conveyed your feedback on issues arising from the drafting of the enterprise agreement and has made significant progress in resolving these. OneCare management has indicated that many of the adverse changes to conditions they had proposed were drafting errors on their behalf and they are no longer pursuing these. Read the full update.

Calvary Health Care
It remains clear that Calvary do not have enough staff to cover base line rosters in Theatre, Cath Lab and Wards, with many members reporting a shortage in staff with specific skills. Instead of adjusting lists or rosters to accommodate the short fall, Calvary appear happy to push unsafe working conditions onto nurses to deal with. ANMF members are encouraged to complete a Nursing Workload Form for every shift where there is a clear deficit in staffing. Forms can be emailed to Organiser Nicki Hood at Alternatively, if members need advice on missed entitlements please contact the Member Support Team via email at

Hobart Day Surgery
The ANMF has continued to engage with management on the drafting of the Enterprise Agreement (EA) to give effect to negotiations and protect your terms and conditions. Read the full update.

Medea Park
At the bargaining meeting on Thursday 19 September 2024, excellent discussions were held between all parties. Medea Park has taken your Log of Claims (LoC), and the reasons why these claims are important to members and have committed to providing feedback as soon as possible. The ANMF looks forward to hearing their response when we next meet on Monday 28 October 2024. Once a response has been received the ANMF will circulate this to members.

Calvary Home Care
Negotiations continue to advance towards a new agreement. Calvary are yet to provide a wage offer, with the lead negotiator stating again that they are waiting to receive approval from Calvary before announcing any offer. Once this has been received the ANMF will meet with members to receive your feedback.

Eskleigh Foundation
The ANMF is pleased the Eskleigh Foundation Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has agreed to start negotiations for a replacement Nurses Agreement. The first bargaining meeting is scheduled to occur on Thursday 31 October 2024. Once negotiations commence members will receive updates by email, please ensure you have provided an up-to-date email address, so you do not miss these important messages.

Calvary Aged Care
The workload survey has now closed. 100% of respondents report a high level of stress throughout their shift due to the inability to provide quality care to residents which is a direct reflection of unsafe ratios of staff to residents. Northern Organiser Nicki Hood will be visiting members at both Riverside and Sandhill in the coming week(s) to speak to members about what steps we can take to address these concerns. Your attendance is very important at these meetings; please ensure you have updated your contact details if you have recently started working for Calvary Aged Care so you do not miss the notification for these member meetings.

Healthe Care North West Private Hospital (NWPH) Industrial Action
ANMF members at the NWPH are taking a stand for better pay and nursing numbers. Your industrial action highlights the need for the hospital to continue to be able to attract and retain quality nurses – and received attention in local media. We are asking Healthe Care management to listen to your feedback and to engage with your ANMF Bargaining Team to achieve the necessary improvements at the bargaining table. In addition to the action taken on Thursday 26 September 2024, ANMF members are encouraged to continue wearing ANMF badges on an ongoing basis while performing work. We will be discussing with members options for further industrial action should Healthe Care not respond in a timely fashion. Our summary of negotiations continues to be available here.

Emmerton Park
The ANMF met with Emmerton Park management on Friday 27 September 2024 for the third meeting of the Enterprise Agreement (EA) process. Unfortunately, while we were unable to make full progress at this meeting, both parties have agreed to schedule a subsequent meeting on Monday 14 October 2024. Read the full update.

Baptcare Enterprise Agreement (Urgent Correction)
The ANMF recently sent members communications and a survey regarding Baptcare Enterprise Agreement (EA) Bargaining. We informed members that Baptcare were offering a wage increase of 3% per year for the life of the Agreement. The ANMF apologises, that we made an error in the wage increase figure. The wage increase offer is actually 2.5% per year for the life of EA for both nurses and carers. Read the full update.

Updates are correct as of 3 October 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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