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EA Updates

You are overdue for a pay rise. Nurses at TasIVF have run a campaign which included effective industrial action and strong negotiation and reached in-principle agreement in a timely fashion. View the latest update.

OneCare General Staff
OneCare has opened the Access Period for the OneCare Ltd General Employees Enterprise Agreement 2023 and will be proceeding with a vote of relevant employees.

OneCare Nursing Staff
OneCare has opened the Access Period for the OneCare Ltd Nursing Employees Enterprise Agreement 2023 and will be proceeding with a vote of relevant employees.

Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation
The ANMF is entitled to represent Aboriginal health workers, and we have now created a membership category to reflect this. Aboriginal health workers can now join the ANMF quickly and easily using our online form here.

Bargaining is a numbers game – in negotiations, management has referred to the fact that the ANMF only represents a small proportion of TAC staff.

Now is the time to build our collective strength! You can help by encouraging your Aboriginal health worker colleagues to join the ANMF today.

  • Trainee Aboriginal health workers may join the ANMF under our ‘’Student’’ member category. Student membership is free of charge, however, does not include industrial advice.

We expect that Aboriginal health workers will be concerned about many of the issues arising in bargaining that affect nurses – such as the low wage offer, limitations with the classification structure and entitlements that are not best practice.

Aboriginal health workers, and trainees, may have other issues important to them in bargaining. Your ANMF Bargaining Team is keen to hear from them about this. Together we can achieve better outcomes for TAC staff.

Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) Negotiations Update
On Monday 7 October 2024, the ANMF met with MGP North Midwives to discuss the Log of Claims (LoC) for recommencing negotiations for a replacement MGP agreement. Members made several suggestions for changes to the LoC, which will be incorporated. Final endorsement meetings with MGP members in the South will be held soon. Further updates will follow as negotiations begin.

Salvation Army Barrington Lodge Approval of Agreement
The ANMF wishes to advise members that the Salvation Army Barrington Lodge Nurses Agreement 2023 has been approved by the Fair Work Commission (FWC). The agreement will operate from Thursday 10 October 2024 and the nominal expiry date is Tuesday 30 June 2026. It includes wage increases effective from Saturday 1 July 2023 and Monday 1 July 2024 that will be paid as back pay. You should expect to receive this back pay and increase in wages at the end of the next full pay period after the agreement commences operation. View the Agreement. 

Anglicare Tasmania
At the first Enterprise Bargaining meeting, the ANMF Bargaining Team spoke to your Log of Claims (LoC) and Anglicare responded with a very disappointing wage’s position. View the latest update. 

Wintringham has revised its wages offer and provided more specific details as to the timing of the proposed wage increases. View the latest update.

Hobart Day Surgery Ballot results
The ANMF has been notified by management of the ballot result for the Hobart Day Surgery Enterprise Agreement (EA). Next steps: the Employer will lodge the agreement with the FWC.

FWC will ensure the agreement meets certain requirements before it is signed off and made available on the website. The new EA comes into effect when this is process is complete. Any pay rises and back pay will be paid from the sign off date. The ANMF will inform members when this process is completed.

Tasmanian Medical Laboratories
As you are aware, the ANMF came to the bargaining table late, due to not being alerted prior that negotiations had commenced, once our membership advised us, we attended. We are now aware that the access period prior to voting on the new EA has begun. We attended the bargaining meeting with Healius in September 2024. View the latest update.

Medea Park Residential Care
At the bargaining meeting on Thursday 19 September 2024 excellent discussions were held between all parties. Medea Park has taken your Log of Claims (LoC), and the reasons why these claims are important to members and have committed to providing feedback as soon as possible. The ANMF looks forward to hearing their response when we next meet on the Monday 28 October 2024. Once the response has been received the ANMF will circulate this to members.

Calvary Home Care
The ANMF are waiting for Calvary to table a wage offer, the delay in receiving this vital information is hampering the negotiations as many claims are based upon a fair and equable wage offer. The ANMF expects an offer to be tabled this week and will seek member feedback before the next bargaining meeting.

Baptcare Karingal
The ANMF wrote to lead negotiator informing your employer that 90% of respondents have indicated they were willing to take Industrial Action. Baptcare advised the ANMF they would return to the bargaining table after reviewing their wage offer. The ANMF expects to receive this revised offer by Friday 18 October 2024.

Meercroft Care
Your employer has provided a written response to your Log of Claims (LoC), not all claims have been agreed to and therefore your feedback is sought. If you have any concerns you would like to raise, please contact ANMF Northern Organiser Nicki Hood via email at

Meercroft Home for the Aged
Meercroft have provided a written response to the ANMFs’ bargaining claims. View the latest update.

Healthe Care North West Private Hospital
ANMF members have voted to reject Healthe Care’s third bargaining offer and to continue the campaign for improvements to wages and staffing. View the latest update.

Emmerton Park
The ANMF met with Emmerton Park again on Monday 14 October 2024. The purpose of the meeting was to go through the clauses in ours and HACSU’s LoCs, so Emmerton Park could seek clarification on what they involved. This process will continue with our fifth meeting, scheduled for Monday 21 October 2024. Following that, Emmerton Park will provide us with a formal response to our claims. We will want to hear what you think and will begin these discussions as soon as the response is received. Watch this space!

Updates are correct as of 17 October 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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