Latest news and updates from across the state
EA Updates
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Respect Aged Care
Further progress has been made in Enterprise Agreements bargaining, however, there are still unresolved items, including care minutes, staffing ratios and workloads. Respect is yet to agree to necessary improvements to its wages offer for the second and third years of the agreement, for which only 3% per annum is being offered. ANMF will press for Care Minutes and a better wage offer to be addressed in the Enterprise Agreement at the next bargaining meeting.
It was disappointing to hear that Anglicare’s position is to not offer further wage percentage increases until 1 July 2025. Anglicare proposes to provide percentage wage increases that match the percentage increases to modern award wages that take effect each July following the Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review. The ANMF will press the Log of Claims (LoC) matters when parties meet on Friday 1 November 2024.
Glenview Community Services
The ANMF is engaging with Glenview management to negotiate an enterprise agreement to replace the Glenview Community Services Nursing Enterprise Agreement 2020. View the latest update.
Queen Victoria Care
As you may be aware, it is time to renegotiate the Queen Victoria (QV) Care Nursing Enterprise Agreement 2021 and General Staff Enterprise Agreement 2021. View the latest update.
In bargaining, Wintringham management has revised how the proposed wage increase over the 4 years of the agreement would be arranged, to further front-load the offer. View the latest update.
TasIVF/Hobart Specialist Day Surgery
An ANMF member meeting on Wednesday 2 October 2024 led to us conveying support for scientists and support staff having their concerns addressed. Last week TasIVF put forward a revised offer that would build on the benefits we previously negotiated. View the latest update.
Medea Park
All parties in the Medea Park Enterprise Agreement bargaining met on Monday 28 October 2024. At this stage, Medea Park have come forward with a wage offer for nurses as follows:
- From the first full pay period after 1 July 2024, a 3.5% increase.
- From the first full pay period after 1 July 2025, a 3% increase.
- From the first full pay period after 1 July 2026, a 3% increase.
Your feedback on the wage offer is sought, with ANMF Northern Organiser Nicki Hood in the workplace next Wednesday 6 November 2024.
Calvary Home Care
Bargaining parties have now received a wage offer from Calvary Home Care as part of the current round of Enterprise Agreement bargaining.
The wage offer, including backpay from the first full pay period after 1 July 2024, is as follows:
The separate percentages offered for specified classifications replace the general increase and are not in addition to it. For example, an Enrolled Nurse (EN) Level 1 would receive backpay of 5.50% effective the first full pay period after 1 July 2023, not 3% or 8% backpay.
Calvary are yet to finalise their stance on a few remaining clauses from the Log of Claims (LoC), all parties have agreed to meet in an effort to have these matters heard.
HealtheCare Exclusive Offer NWPH Nurses and AINs
The ANMF has campaigned hard and ANMF members have undertaken industrial action that has seen improvements to the Healthe Care wages offer. View the latest update.
Baptcare Limited
Bargaining for the Baptcare Karingal Enterprise Agreement continues.
In our recent survey of ANMF Baptcare members:
- 100% of the members who responded felt that the Baptcare wage offer of 2.5% per year for the life of the Agreement with no back pay commitment was not fair.
- 90% stated that they would be prepared to take industrial action in order to improve the wage offer. View the latest update.
Furthermore, late on Tuesday 29 October 2024, the ANMF confirmed the proposed Personal Care Worker (PCW) wages from 1 February 2024. View the latest update.
Emmerton Park
The ANMF met again with all parties in the Emmerton Park bargaining process on Monday 21 October 2024. We continued to go through the claims put forward in our Log of Claims (Claims), answering any questions about the purpose of the Claims. These Claims will now be considered, and recommendations made and taken to the Emmerton Park Board. After the Board’s consideration, Emmerton Park will respond to the Claims in writing. We will then advise you of their proposals and seek your opinions. Keep an eye open for updates.
- The wage increase offer includes the offer of backpay back to 1 July 2023 of 3%, (which has been already passed on to direct care workers) with 3% offered for each year of the agreement. Meercroft have told us that they will pass on any extra increases under the fair Work Commission minimum wage determination (in 2024 the determination was 3.75%, so an extra .75%) and any work value case decisions.
- Meercroft have agreed to double time and a half penalty rate to be paid on public holidays for all employees.
- They have also agreed that casual employees are to be paid the overtime penalty rate, as well as the casual loading.
- Meercroft have not agreed to increase the afternoon and night shift penalties, so they will remain at 15% for afternoon shift and 20% for the night shift. They have also not agreed to recognition for those working in the dementia unit.
Other Agreed Entitlements
- Meercroft has agreed to 7 days COVID-19 leave per calendar year.
- 10 days family and domestic violence leave, and 5 days Union representational leave has also been agreed to.
- Meercroft have agreed to add to the dispute resolution clause to enable the complainant’s work status to remain unchanged during a workplace dispute.
- They have agreed to 15 days personal leave per year for all eligible employees. Only five single days without evidence would be permitted, none either side of an Rostered Day Off (RDO) or weekend, would be permitted. Any others would need a statutory declaration or a medical certificate. They also reserve the right to require a medical certificate for every occasion.
Entitlements Not Agreed
- Claims relating to unpaid meal breaks, vaccination leave, communicable disease allowance, reproductive health and wellbeing leave, pregnancy loss leave and increases to annual leave have not been agreed.
- They have also not agreed to changes to training and development leave.
Rostering, Staffing and Workload
- Meercroft have not agreed to adding Enrolled Nurses (ENs) to the skill mix nor agreed to having care minutes embedded in the agreement.
- They have committed to providing a break of 10 hours between one shift and the next, or 8 hours by mutual agreement.
Updates are correct as of 30 October 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary
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