Enterprise Agreements Update: Private and Aged Care Sectors


Catch up on the latest updates from the ANMF. Here you will find information relating to private and aged care sector Enterprise Agreements across Tasmania. [...]

Enterprise Agreements Update: Private and Aged Care Sectors2019-10-14T09:12:47+11:00

Enterprise Agreements Update: Private and Aged Care Sectors


Catch up on the latest updates from the ANMF. Here you will find information relating to private and aged care sector Enterprise Agreements across Tasmania. [...]

Enterprise Agreements Update: Private and Aged Care Sectors2019-10-04T18:28:24+10:00

Enterprise Agreements Update: Private and Aged Care Sectors


Catch up on the latest updates from the ANMF. Here you will find information relating to private and aged care sector Enterprise Agreements across Tasmania. [...]

Enterprise Agreements Update: Private and Aged Care Sectors2019-10-04T18:31:48+10:00

A fond farewell from an ANMF Organiser


A fond farewell from a familiar face Written by past ANMF Organiser, Jen Brown 1st August 2019 Many of members in the south, particularly those working at the Royal Hobart [...]

A fond farewell from an ANMF Organiser2019-08-07T15:21:56+10:00

HERC Out and About


HERC out and about 1st August 2019 On Thursday 1 August, our Health Education and Research Centre (HERC) attended the Rosny College careers day. Here, staff spoke to a number of [...]

HERC Out and About2019-08-07T11:54:48+10:00

CHaPS Celebration


CHaPS Celebrations 25th July 2019 Child and Protective Health Services (CHaPS) held their midyear get together last week on Thursday 25th July. This event put on by the CHaPS team, [...]

CHaPS Celebration2019-08-07T11:51:03+10:00

The Eye Hospital


Negotiations will soon begin for a replacement enterprise agreement at The Eye Hospital, although the first bargaining meeting has not yet been scheduled.  The ANMF has been consulting with members [...]

The Eye Hospital2019-07-24T11:27:49+10:00

Aged Care Update: Royal Commission


[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]Aged Care Update: Royal Commission 26 June 2019 The Sydney hearing of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety in May focused on people living with dementia [...]

Aged Care Update: Royal Commission2019-06-26T12:25:08+10:00

Updates: Aged Care


[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]Updates: Aged Care 26 June 2019 SOUTH OneCare Umina Park ANMF Organiser, Noni Morse has spoken with Executive Director, People and Culture who acknowledges several challenges facing Umina Park. [...]

Updates: Aged Care2019-06-26T12:20:39+10:00

Update: The Eye Hospital


[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: The Eye Hospital 26 June 2019 The ANMF are currently surveying members in regard to enterprise agreement (EA) negotiations for a replacement Eye Hospital agreement. The online survey [...]

Update: The Eye Hospital2019-06-26T12:13:48+10:00

Update: Hobart Clinic


[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Hobart Clinic 26 June 2019 The ANMF have not received a response from management regarding re-commencing bargaining for Hobart Clinic’s enterprise agreement (EA). The ANMF will make further [...]

Update: Hobart Clinic2019-06-26T12:07:04+10:00

Updates: Calvary


[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]Updates: Calvary 26 June 2019 Workloads A workload meeting was scheduled by Calvary on Monday 15 June 2019, at Calvary Saint Johns. The ANMF attended the meeting but unfortunately, [...]

Updates: Calvary2019-06-26T12:05:16+10:00

Update: Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation


[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation 26 June 2019 The first negotiation meeting for the Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation (TAC) enterprise agreement (EA) was held on 23 May 2019. Since this time, [...]

Update: Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation2019-06-26T12:03:01+10:00

Updates: Aged Care (Statewide)


[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]Updates: Aged Care (Statewide) 12 June 2019 NORTH Masonic Care Tasmania, Fred French workload grievances The ANMF have developed a form to help collect data on workloads and short-staffed [...]

Updates: Aged Care (Statewide)2019-06-13T09:30:55+10:00

Updates: Hobart District Nurses Service (HDNS)


[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Hobart District Nurses Service (HDNS) 12 June 2019 The ANMF have received information from the Hobart District Nurses Service (HDNS) Chief Executive that the RHH recently withdrew funding [...]

Updates: Hobart District Nurses Service (HDNS)2019-06-13T09:33:21+10:00

Updates: Calvary Enterprise Agreement (EA)


[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Calvary Enterprise Agreement (EA) 12 June 2019 At the time of writing, the ANMF are still awaiting a response from Calvary in regard to commencing the enterprise agreement [...]

Updates: Calvary Enterprise Agreement (EA)2019-06-13T09:35:07+10:00

Updates: Calvary St Johns


[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Calvary St Johns 12 June 2019 The ANMF remind all Workplace Representatives and interested nurses, that a workload meeting will be held at Calvary St Johns on June 13, [...]

Updates: Calvary St Johns2019-06-13T09:36:33+10:00

Updates: Hobart Clinic


[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]Updates: Hobart Clinic 12 June 2019 The ANMF met with members at the Hobart Clinic on 6 June 2019 to discuss their enterprise agreement (EA). Hobart Clinic members rejected the [...]

Updates: Hobart Clinic2019-06-13T09:38:43+10:00

Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre


[siteorigin_widget class="Tribe_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Enterprise agreement negotiations have commenced 29 May 2019 Enterprise agreement negotiations with the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre have commenced with the first negotiation meeting being held on 23 May [...]

Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre2019-05-30T09:52:37+10:00

North West Private Hospital Enterprise Agreement


[siteorigin_widget class="Tribe_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Member meeting 29 May 2019 Negotiations commenced on 1 April 2019. A second meeting was held on 9 May 2019 during which HealtheCare offered some improvements. Members will [...]

North West Private Hospital Enterprise Agreement2019-05-29T16:53:23+10:00

Aged Care Updates – 29 May 2019


[siteorigin_widget class="Tribe_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] 29 May 2019 ANMF Aged Care Campaign and Royal Commission Update: This is our first eNews publication since the federal election was held on 18 May 2019.  As [...]

Aged Care Updates – 29 May 20192019-05-30T09:50:24+10:00

Hobart Private Hospital


[siteorigin_widget class="Tribe_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Welcome Peter McBeath 29 May 2019 New ANMF Organiser, Peter McBeath will be making contact with Hobart Private Management and Nurse Unit Manager’s (NUM’s) in the coming weeks [...]

Hobart Private Hospital2019-05-29T16:52:32+10:00

Calvary EBA


[siteorigin_widget class="Tribe_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Awaiting response 29 May 2019 ANMF are awaiting a response from Calvary to our request to commence bargaining.

Calvary EBA2019-05-29T11:28:44+10:00

Calvary Lenah Valley and St Johns


[siteorigin_widget class="Tribe_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Welcome Peter McBeath 29 May 2019 ANMF conducted walk arounds at both Calvary South sites last week to introduce Peter McBeath, the new ANMF Organiser for these sites. [...]

Calvary Lenah Valley and St Johns2019-05-29T16:51:16+10:00

Hobart Clinic


[siteorigin_widget class="Tribe_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Member meeting 29 May 2019 The ANMF met with members at the Hobart Clinic on 23 May to discuss the current offer put forward by Hobart Clinic to [...]

Hobart Clinic2019-05-30T09:46:27+10:00

Aged Care Updates – 15 May 2019


[siteorigin_widget class="Tribe_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] 15 May 2019 On Wednesday 8 May ANMF received correspondence from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Aged Care Deloraine regarding the reissuing of contracts.You can read the [...]

Aged Care Updates – 15 May 20192019-05-15T15:52:05+10:00

March for Change – Hobart Rally


[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] March for Change – Hobart Rally A huge congratulations to everyone who came along to the March for Change last Friday 10th May 2019 in Hobart. As many [...]

March for Change – Hobart Rally2019-05-15T13:40:07+10:00

Aged Care Updates – 1 May 2019


[siteorigin_widget class="Tribe_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] 1 May 2019 Ratios in Aged Care Update: Aged Care Campaign Update With just over 2 weeks until the 2019 federal election, we are pleased to announce that [...]

Aged Care Updates – 1 May 20192019-05-01T12:58:47+10:00

North West Private Hospital


[siteorigin_widget class="Tribe_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: JCC meeting 1 May 2019 ANMF organiser and representatives attended the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) on 11 April. ANMF Organiser, Noni Morse raised several issues that members had [...]

North West Private Hospital2019-05-01T12:06:28+10:00

North West Private Hospital Enterprise Agreement


[siteorigin_widget class="Tribe_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]Update: Member meeting 1 May 2019 Negotiations commenced on 1 April 2019 with the employer providing a response to the ANMF log of claims. A member meeting was held [...]

North West Private Hospital Enterprise Agreement2019-05-01T13:02:11+10:00

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