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Public Sector Updates – North

December 21st, 2022|

Public Sector Updates - North Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Operating Room Suite The ANMF met with members of the Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Operating Room Suite (ORS) on Thursday 8 December 2022. The ANMF discussed the proposed benchmarking for the ORS for 2022/23. Please click here to view the recent newsflash communication and to complete the member survey. [...]

Public Sector Updates – Statewide

December 21st, 2022|

Public Sector Updates - Statewide Public Sector Negotiations for a replacement Enterprise Agreement (Nurses and Midwives) The first meeting, scheduled for 20 December 2022, unfortunately needed to be cancelled due to COVID. The employer has advised they will look through the Log of Claims (LoC), submitted on behalf of members, and allocate these to various ‘themes’ to be [...]

Private Sector Updates – Statewide

December 21st, 2022|

Private Sector Updates - Statewide North Calvary Community Care Members continue to raise workload concerns, and at last weeks meeting, members endorsed the ANMF to write a letter to Calvary management on their behalf. South Calvary Lenah Valley Campus and St John’s Hospital The next Workload Consultative Committee meeting will be held in February 2023 with the date [...]

ANMF Media Release: ANMF Consider lodging a dispute with the FWC amid safety concerns at Calvary Healthcare North

December 14th, 2022|

ANMF Consider lodging a dispute with the FWC amid safety concerns at Calvary Healthcare North 14 December 2022 Media Door Stop When: 14 December 2022, 1pm Where: ANMF Office – 19 Brisbane Street Launceston Who: ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary, Emily Shepherd The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Tasmanian Branch will consider lodging an Industrial Dispute with the [...]

Aged Care Updates – Statewide

December 8th, 2022|

Aged Care Updates - Statewide Statewide Fair Work Commission award 15% pay increase to Nurses, Extended Care Assistants (ECAs) and Home Carers, Aged Care Registered Nurse Retention Payments; Apply before Wednesday 14 December 2022. On Tuesday 1 November 2022, the ANMF released a newsflash communication with details of these payments. They are specific to Registered Nurses (RNs), and [...]

Enterprise Agreement Updates: Private & Aged Care Sectors

December 7th, 2022|

EA Updates We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed. Calvary Health Care Tasmania The ANMF is arranging a petition of nursing staff to demonstrate that nurses want to begin bargaining for a replacement Enterprise Agreement. [...]

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