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Private Sector Updates

September 27th, 2022|

Private Sector Updates Calvary Lenah Valley and St John’s Hospitals The ANMF has written to Calvary to ask for bargaining to commence and we will notify members as soon as a date has been set. Workload Consultative Committee Meeting Lenah Valley and St John’s Hospitals There has been a change of date for the next meeting which will [...]

Public Sector Updates – North West

September 27th, 2022|

Public Sector Updates - North West A Note from North West Member Engagement Officer Nicki Hood Nicki has been at six different Aged Care facilities catching up with members, asking a few of them about Enterprise Agreement negotiations. She is planning on visiting GP surgeries and standalone sites where there are only 1 or 2 members throughout October [...]

Public Sector Updates – North

September 27th, 2022|

Public Sector Updates - North Launceston General Hospital Child Health and Parenting Service (CHaPS) On Monday 19 September 2022, the ANMF attended the Step 2 Specialist Panel for the CHaPs workload grievance. The Specialist Panel is hearing and will develop solutions for workloads from the South, North and Northwest. You can read the full update here: ANMF Newsflash [...]

Public Sector Update – South

September 27th, 2022|

Public Sector Updates - South Royal Hobart Hospital RHH – Emergency Department (ED) The ANMF has had meetings with both the local area management and executive management regarding identified workload and staffing concerns within RHH ED. As a result of these discussions, the ANMF has committed to write formally on all issues raised by members at the member [...]

Newsflash: Public Sector Negotiations and COVID-19 Bonus Update

September 20th, 2022|

Newsflash: Public Sector Negotiations and COVID-19 Bonus Update The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) attended a meeting on Thursday 15 September 2022 with the Premier, Jeremy Rockliff with regard to the public sector wages and the cost of living. Whilst the ANMF is currently not negotiating for nurses and midwives and not expecting to receive [...]

Enterprise Agreement Updates: Private & Aged Care Sectors

September 14th, 2022|

EA Updates We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed. Calvary Health Care Tasmania The ANMF has sent the endorsed Log of Claims (LoC) to the employer. Calvary Home Care The ANMF is reviewing the employer’s [...]

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