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ANMF Media Release: ANMF Welcome Support of Child Safe Action

November 3rd, 2022|

ANMF Welcome Support of Child Safe Action 30 September 2022 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Tasmanian Branch has welcomed the Tasmanian Governments swift action and support of the Child Safe Governance Advisory Panel recommendations. The recommendations were made to achieve the implementation of critical child safety reforms and commence the necessary organisational renewal with a dedicated [...]

Enterprise Agreement Updates: Private & Aged Care Sectors

October 27th, 2022|

EA Updates We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed. Calvary Health Care Tasmania The ANMF has asked the employer to formally agree to bargain by close of business on Wednesday 9 November 2022. The ANMF [...]

Aged Care Updates – Statewide

October 27th, 2022|

Aged Care Updates - Statewide Southern Cross Care Tasmania (SCCT) Changes to leadership at SCCT, Underpayments Issue, Lack of Clinical Leadership The ANMF still encourages members to feedback issues related to absence or instability of leadership in SCCT sites, especially in Covid-19 management. Members are encouraged to look after themselves and their colleagues in these unreasonable situations. Use [...]

Private Sector Updates – Statewide

October 27th, 2022|

Private Sector Updates - Statewide Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital and St John’s Hospitals Enterprise Agreement The ANMF has been advised that Calvary is currently in the process of obtaining internal approvals before they can commence bargaining. We are writing to management asking for a date for bargaining to commence within two weeks of the letter being sent. The [...]

Public Sector Updates – North West

October 27th, 2022|

Public Sector Updates - North West North West Child Health and Parenting Service (CHaPS) The ANMF, on behalf of members at North West Child Health and Parenting Service, is pursuing outcomes to the workload concerns via a Step 2 Grievance Specialist Panel. Next meeting is planned for Tuesday 1 November 2022 for a progress update. North West Cancer [...]

Public Sector Updates – North

October 27th, 2022|

Public Sector Updates - North Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Ward 5B On Monday 17 October 2022, the ANMF met with Ward 5B members to discuss the proposed benchmarking, current and ongoing workload pressures. Noting that the proposed benchmarking will not increase due to lower average bed occupancy, members requested the ANMF advocates for extension of clinical coach hours [...]

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